Far Cry 3 Release Dates

Far Cry 3

Far Cry 3

Rating: Mature
Genre: Action
Jason expects an awesome vacation with his two brothers and their friends-- a trip to Bangkok to celebrate his youngest brother's new pilot's license. When the group decide to go skydiving and end up landing on a remote island in the middle of nowhere, Jason's life forever changes. The island, populated by the native Rakyat and plagued by slave-trading pirates, becomes the stage for a survival adventure in the first-person shooter genre. Incorporating extensive stealth gameplay throughout, the plot sees Jason evolve through RPG elements such as skill trees and weapon upgrades. Extensively varied gameplay includes hunting both man and beast, as Jason struggles to save his brother and his friends. The game world is expansive, the gameplay dynamic, and the mission, while not being on the scale of Earth in jeopardy, is fully engaging and critical.
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Far Cry 3
Xbox 360 Release Date

December 4, 2012
UPC: 611102262618

Far Cry 3
PS3 Release Date

December 4, 2012
UPC: 100177413068

Far Cry 3
PC Release Date

December 4, 2012
UPC: 172302828528

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