Zuma's Revenge with Peggle Bonus Release Dates

Zuma's Revenge with Peggle Bonus

Zuma's Revenge with Peggle Bonus

Rating: Everyone
Genre: Arcade
Combing two popular games into one package, Zuma's Revenge with Peggle Bonus is a thought provoking title that involves puzzle solving and strategic role playing. In the Zuma's Revenge section, players can capture more than 60 different levels while engaging in battles against enemies and several bosses. The game modes in the Zuma's Revenge section of the title include Iron Frog, Heroic Frog, Adventure and Challenge. Pad hopping or slide aiming are some of the challenging tasks that require quick action in real time while playing Zuma's Revenge with Peggle Bonus. The Peggle feature in Zuma's Revenge with Peggle Bonus includes more than 50 different levels. Players can engage in magical powers while battling enemies and solving real time puzzle challenges. High quality graphics and audio provide a realistic interactive experience for players engaging in Zuma's Revenge with Peggle Bonus.
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Zuma's Revenge with Peggle Bonus
PC Release Date

September 15, 2009
UPC: 899274001635

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